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HMW9: HMW Topic Exploration

History of the Modern World

Tertiary, Secondary, or Primary?*

Tertiary sources provide an overview or summary of a topic, and may contain both primary and secondary sources. The information is displayed as entirely factual, and does not include analysis or critique.

  • Encyclopedias, almanacs, bibliographies...

Secondary sources interpret or critique primary sources. They often include an analysis of the event that was discussed or featured in the primary source. They are second-hand accounts that interpret or draw conclusions from one or more primary sources.

  • Essays or reviews, articles that analyze or discuss events or ideas, criticisms or commentaries

Primary sources are first-hand, authoritative accounts of an event, topic, or historical time period.

*Check with your teacher.


What are tertiary sources?

Tertiary sources generally provide an overview or summary of a topic and may contain both primary and secondary sources. The information is displayed as entirely factual, and does not include analysis or critique.

  • Helpful for background information and understanding historical events, people, dates.
  • Tertiary sources help you develop ideas and may lead  to primary and secondary sources.
    • Encyclopedias
    • Almanacs
    • Bibliographies
    • Chronologies
    • Dictionaries
    • Directories
    • Fact books
    • Guidebooks
    • Indexes, abstracts, bibliographies used to locate primary and secondary sources
    • Manuals
    • Textbooks

Reference Books in the library

Where to find tertiary sources?

Searching MasterFile Complete (EBSCOHost) for articles in specific periodicals

1. Copy one of these recommended publications with the word "and" to paste into MasterFile Complete
  • JN "New York Times Upfront" and
  • JN "Time Magazine" and
  • JN "History Today" and
  • JN "Smithsonian" and
  • JN "National Geographic" and
2. Open the MasterFile Complete database
3. Paste your copied publication [JN "Time" and]  add your search word(s)

4. Click on search

Google Arts & Culture