The ‘Iolani School Archives collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to historical records of ‘Iolani School.
Ka Moolelo O Iolani, 1980, page 173.
"In 1979,' Iolani became a co-ed school. The same year, Ann Kang entered the single most male dominated department. In many ways than can be counted, she embodies the history of female athletics at 'Iolani School. As coach, teacher, and mentor, she has seen the female athletic population go from zero to almost 50% of all athletes. She has also seen the competitiveness of the female programs storm from no state championships before 1987 to 50% of all 'Iolani state championships. She has been a key player, a professional coach, a role model and a doer for all of these years. We thank you for all you have done for the 'Iolani ohana!"
"Teacher Tribute," Ka Mo'olelo O Iolani, 2003, page 7.
Ka Moolelo O Iolani, 1996, page 38.
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