The ‘Iolani School Archives collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to historical records of ‘Iolani School.
Birth: November 12, 1866
Death: March 12, 1925
Birthplace: Xiangshan (now Zhongshan), Guangdong province, China
Political affiliation: Leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang)
Known for: Role in the overthrow of the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (1911/12) after centuries of dynastic rule; and, position as the first provisional president of the Republic of China.
The seated figure statue was donated in 1965 by the Kuo Min Tang (Kuomingtang) Society of Honolulu.
The ceremony was held in November 1965 to coincide with Dr. Sun's centennial birthday anniversary.
The statue is a reduced replica of one sculpted in Paris in 1928 by Paul Maximilien Landowski. Both this one and a similar one at the Honolulu International Airport were made by Liao Wei-lin.
The standing figure statue was dedicated in 2008, made possible by the City Mill Company, Ltd and the David C. Ai Charitable Trust.
The statue depicts a young Dr. Sun and was designed by Master Chu Tat Shing; who also made the one in Honolulu's Chinatown Gateway Park and the one in front of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Museum in Hong Kong.
"Two weeks after school had opened that fall, Sun Tai-Cheong enrolled as a student, the fourth Chinese lad to enter. Sun Tai-Cheong is better known to the world as Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, emancipator of China's four hundred millions from the yoke of the Manchu Dynasty."