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'Iolani School Archives: Reading Room Guidelines

The ‘Iolani School Archives collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to historical records of ‘Iolani School.

'Iolani School Archives


The ‘Iolani School Archives collects, organizes, preserves and provides access to historical records of ‘Iolani School.

Reading Room Guidelines

You can help us protect the records!


The Archives is comprised of school publications, photographic and multimedia images, artifacts, institutional records, and manuscript collections in analog and digital formats, which elucidate the historical events, growth and development of ‘Iolani School.

The following guidelines have been adopted as instructions and rules for the use of Archival materials. We ask your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. If at any time you have questions about the handling of materials, please do not hesitate to ask. Also, if you come across an item that needs care, please bring it to the attention of the Archivist.

The Archives is responsible for safeguarding and preserving the collection for both its physical and intellectual posterity. Observing the rules and practices of the Reading Room is necessary for the Archives to carry out its responsibilities.

In order for you to use the Archive, acknowledgement of the policies and guidelines is required. Patrons need to complete a Guest Registration form before access to materials is granted. All materials are to be used in the Reading Room only. Materials may not be checked out.

To protect materials in the Archive:

  • No tobacco, food, chewing gum, or beverages are permitted in the Reading Room.

  • Be sure hands are clean and free of food and lotions. Gloves must be worn upon request.

  • Purses, bags, briefcases, and other personal property must be left in the designated area.

  • Please use pencil only for note taking. Do not use ink or pens in the Reading Room. Keep pencils and notepads on the table surface and not on archival materials. Avoid using pencils as pointers.

  • Lap-top computers and personal cameras (without flash) are permitted. No scanners are permitted.

  • Only a reasonable number of Archival items will be issued at one time. Browsing of materials is not permitted.

  • Keep materials in the original order they were given.

  • Open folders and records flat on the table. Handle each item separately and carefully with both hands to avoid tears and marks. The Archivist will demonstrate how you must handle papers and photographic material.


Please see the Collection Management Policy for more information.

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For More Information

For more information, schedule an appointment to conduct your research. Please note the Archives' open hours.

© The researcher assumes all responsibility for complying with Copyright and other Intellectual Property laws.